Saturday, April 10, 2010

Do you think the Nazis want to claim a tattooed turd?

I will like to take this as a chance to promote my new website, otherwise this is my way of typing up homework without at Affina blocking my communications with my home computer.

“The Soup” is the ultimate source of covering the irreverent. I’d like to say it is the “Onion,” but I want a formal apology for any part of their film that did not feature Steven Segal.

Perhaps I don’t watch enough real news, but it has been fairly free about stuff that pisses me off. It isn’t 2012 yet, so I’m not going to take Sarah Palin seriously for a while. My optimistic view of world affairs may actually come from moving out of a house where my mom watched nothing but Fox News.

Maybe I just have a lot of deep issues with anger, so I need to find stuff to get angry about when I write, and thankfully my DVR allows me to keep track of the decadence of this consumption-based society. Something that may need to be explained after my experience with the limp-wrested strip club assholes I met weeks back, but that is another story (last weeks to be precise).

Since the stuff I’m watching is irreverent, one can argue that there is no need to be pissed about it. I guess I’m angry at the fact we cover ridiculous, water skiing squirrel free stories. People watch this coverage and want to get involved with it, and that’s wrong.

No one wanted to water ski after the squirrel, so why do they want to prove that Jesse James is a Nazi makes no sense. Thus, we got to get angry, and slap some sense into those who are satisfied despite not owning a digital cable box.

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