Tuesday, November 24, 2009

An Effort to Steer Wrestlers Away from Peoria

This is being reposted just as an example of how the business can be on the small town level. These were my feelings about the promoter at the time, and I am over holding ill will towards him, but the personality expressed at that time is pretty universal when you have creative that tries to isolate themselves from the rest of the independent scene.

As for myself, I could have just walked away from the situation before it affected the promotion. Do I feel like I was in the right? Yes, but if Alex thought wrestling fans were paying attention to my personal website, I didn't need to do it. Hind sight, but I was willing to bury a place for guys to work over a grudge with one guy. That makes it a selfish act regardless if I thought it would help everyone who had greater aspirations.

What this situation came down to was neither Alex or I was going to address the issue hoping that professional courtesy will come through.

The promoter of NGW, Alex Larson, has barred me from their shows until June (2006) for my attempt to shoot on him (tell the truth to the fans) at the last show.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mickey Rourke Ain't Got Shit on Me

The last time I was out of Next Generation Wrestling (for reasons that were all business and were understood and made clear by all parties involved), I decided to see how I compared to everyone in 2004.
To motivate me to out perform. That was the goal. Of course, I realized that actual wrestling ability was not the promoter's concern since I was suppose to be in a comic angle and jobbing to those who the crowd thought were cool.

You cannot improve if no one wants to believe you can.

I guess I had my moments, in 2005 with the Kyle Rich feud, my return match against Brett Gakiya, and the "Star Wars" gimmick, but refusing to play the roles NGW wanted me to forced them to put me in a position of just putting me in meaningless matches. The win loss ratio made it so statistically that I was a push over, but when you are not in the premiership, how many limeys give a shit about what you do?
With the realization of this and my best friend trying to kill me, I admit, despite the great matches I had, it was not my best year. But when I look at why certain people got to where they are in my rankings, it was not much of a year in Peoria Wrestling.

Read the rest of this blog and other stories at Main Event of the Dead.com and determine if this thought process can be translated into a B-movie comedy about pro-wrestling zombies.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

03/16/2006 A Work of Fiction

I sit back watching Chasing Amy, my favorite Kevin Smith film. When a film is one of my favorites it touches me and I can just feel fulfilled and not have to finish the film.

Over the past six months there has been a lotta drama in my life. Alex Larson, NGW's promoter, is surprisingly not the only source. Of course he did spend four months of it challenging me to survive Saturdays. Thank god for true friends who have always been there for me.
It's a correlation I guess. More drama, more thought. Brain damage would be bliss.

Supporting the bull shit that society finds acceptable and encourages would be bliss. Me, I just get pissed.

The point is dramas are depressing and comedies are fun. Do you really want to fully comprehend the details a Law and Order SVU episode. That's depressing, thus you should avoid thinking about drama, when you can wish you were as cool as Dane Cook.

Again what are true friends for. Drama from them is sucking my drive to make it through the weekend. If these friends read this, watch Chasing Amy. My sense of humor is justified.
My thoughts tonight. Why do I relate to every Smith film? Hell, I've yet to finish watching Jersey Girl. It got to me so quickly.

Actually, courtship in these films seem to parallel my life. Catch a girls interest with my personality (a side from my ass, I ain't much of a looker). Become best friends. Let it go to shit when Love comes around (fuck you BB King and that Irish save the poor fuck).

All of whom I love seem to follow this pattern. Except Stacia, but watch the "Original Love Story" deleted scene on the Amy disc, and she fits into that.

I stop and think about my journal. Stefanie wanted me to write it because I was like a comic book character. My last friend to read it said she could fall in love with the me that I write about.
My conclusion, I am a work of fiction. I exist for the dreams of the underweight/overweight shut in adolescents.

The inimitablerc and Russ Bradley are not too far apart. Fuck, I'm a super hero with an alter ego.

Maybe that's not too bad. But thinking that I live as Affleckian character and I'm not dick deep in pussy right now, oh the thoughts of suicide. Too quote a sound byte from a They Might be Giants track, "I don't want the world, I just want my half (Man, how bad did Stefanie fuck me up. Weren't the scars enough)."

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

10/5/2006 The Nipple Piercing Story

Today, I thought I'd have gotten all of my head on straight. With one needle and a lot of booze, surely I'd have found all of the answers.

I have not had the adrenaline rush I've craved for 10 months. Ink or piercing. One of these must serve as a fix.

For the fourth day of October, the 14 gauge needle was to be my savior. I hope Raul gets some promotion from my choice.

My sisters were scared about my actions, and that's before they knew I wanted the kanji tat of "To die young", and showering unbeknown to a "boil order". I should have realized with every rush there is a crash.

I made my best efforts with a new girl at Al's. She was beyond totally cool. Hopefully my company didn't cost her too much. Again I receive the, "Hang in there, it will all work out," as she told me I was so much like her current boyfriend.

Oh for the age of chivalry. Kick the dude's ass and the "girl is mine."
This is what I got from a good friend Monday. This is what I've been getting from my best friends for 3 years.

That or, you gotta be an asshole.

I went and gave my all today, but no matter the needs I fulfill, I am still left craving more.

I just want to find someone who will give back as much as I put out, and after seeing all those I work harder than get that, I can't stand to put out my best without reward.

I do have to apologize to the girl tonight. For not knowing me at all, you gave a shit. You gave all you could to help me feel good. Thanks.

I just wish I could always count on that at the end of each day.