Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Please offer a fucking clue.

Where/how am I suppose to develop a relationship with a girl? I offer nothing that is appreciated, and fuckin douches seem to get rewarded for being what they are.

Can't stand bars. Online is shit, and college...fuck the only interesting chick from class is helping out the MassCom Reverend with his Christian online radio.

I am not trying to take a shot at you, but Stef, you were trying to set me up with Sam. Not exactly and ego boost. Am I really that hopeless? honestly?

And please be solution oriented with your response.

I guess I've just become the ultimate douche. But fuck, at least I'm honest.

I got a person for each finger on one hand who really truly give a shit if I'm gone. Look where I'm at. Right now, my only hope is to get famous with my writing. Fuck. You didn't believe in the wrestling, this isn't any better.

I had my window to get my shit straight, and no one has said anything otherwise. They just hope it will change for me.

Fuck, Hope is for the terminal. I'm inevitably going to off myself. Sorry to drop this e-mail on you. I don't know when, "the GREEN scissors" aren't sharp enough, so I have no clue. I don't see any reason why shit will end well for me.

I am through with hoping.